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About Art Evans

Art Evans has pastored and taught God’s Word for 33 years. His passion is to enrich God’s people through teaching God’s gracious plan of redemption of both our lives and our divine destiny, with an emphasis on living victoriously through faith in Jesus Christ. Art and his wife, Wendy, have been married for 36 years and live in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Latest Message

The Fear of God - Part 5 of 6

This integral component of the fear of God affects our daily lives and holds a significant influence on our future. Discover the importance of walking in the benefits of the fear of the Lord.


This Flag Does Not Come Down

During the Golden Age of Piracy, marauders such as Blackbeard, Black Bart, and others drew on a number of techniques to commandeer a ship. Once on board, to signal their domination, they would raise their flag over the conquered vessel. This maneuver was a way to tell all other ships—private, public, and pirate—"This one is mine, and is now under my control." From shadowing to reshaping the ship to the destroying of the manifest, the steps in this oppressive occupation are identical to those the Chief Thief, of whom Jesus warns humanity, takes to highjack people's lives.

Drawing on his own life experiences, Pastor Art Evans reveals the strategies Satan, like the pirates of the high seas, used to conquer his life and steer him toward addictions. Aware of the grave peril he was in, Art called out to Jesus Christ, the Prince of Life, Who, stepped onto Art's ship, tore the pirate's flag down, and raised His own blood-bought, blood-stained banner. It's His flag that does not come down!



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I would like to invite you to partner with Wendy and I as we proclaim the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Meetings and Media.